OK, so it wasn’t always good but society did have a better relationship with food ‘back in the old days’ compared with today. Somewhere along the line, many of us have become disillusioned and have a warped view of how we should be growing, cooking and consuming our food.
Traditionally, families would grow their own food. Organic farming wasn’t even a ‘thing’, it’s just the way things were. Vegetables were picked from gardens or allotments and families took pride in cooking the foods that they had grown; people knew where the food they were eating came from– from field to fork, if you like. Families ate together every day, devoid of the pressures of modern day life and had the time to discuss their day while enjoying the food they were eating. Convenience foods didn’t exist and people were happier and healthier. A sweeping statement if you like, but let’s take a closer look at why.
Remember Sunday being your traditional meat roast and fish on a Friday? Maybe you don’t but it’s almost bittersweet to remember a time where there were no expectations to consume a certain amount of macros or protein each day, you had your homemade food each day and it nourished and satisfied you–maybe it was a bit predictable but at least we could trace where our food came from and it was in moderation. How about the memories you made over these dinners, moments with your family? Times that may even have seemed mundane but now you look back on with fondness.
If we go back decades, the demand for luxuries such as meat and fish was considerably lower, which meant less mass production and more environmentally friendly. Of course, industry farming has sadly existed for a long time and standards are slightly better now then they have been but consider there not being such a huge demand for meat, fish and eggs? I would hope that the standards would be higher, the quality better and we would be healthier for it
Our food is now over processed: pesticides and preservatives damage the natural goodness of our food. We consume these chemicals and additives, our bodies are then unable to know how to process them and can potentially make us ill in the long term. I mean, not all ingredients can even be pronounced! Here’s a sobering thought for you: the over-processing of dairy and gluten products has led to major food allergies that didn’t exist 20-30 years ago!
Theoretically speaking, we should be the healthiest we have ever been but on the contrary, the majority of people have an unhealthy relationship with food. Subjective disagreements in the ‘food’o’sphere’ leave many confused as to what and how they should be eating. Big corporations and celebrity endorsements promise quick-fixes, which only damage metabolisms and lead to a feeling of failure. Here lies a vicious cycle and where marketing and companies capitalise on societies insecurities.
With a little bit of my guidance and your self-belief, I want you to know that it is possible to find the time to prepare and enjoy fresh, nutritious food. You can find that balance and what works best for you and your family. I know you can do it, it’s just up to you to do it!
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